The 1 reason most creators fail to go viral.

A simple, yet very important lesson.

I’m going to share with you some mind-blowing statistics

…and by the end of this email, you’re going to know the ONE thing you need to do to virtually guarantee your success as a viral content creator on YouTube.

About 2 months, ago, I launched an 8-week online boot camp called Launchpad, where I released a video every single week teaching people how to go viral on YouTube.

  • 3836 people registered for the program

  • 1282 (33%) created an account on the platform

  • 996 (26%) watched week 1’s lesson

  • 279 (7%) watched week 4’s lesson

  • 152 (4%) watched week 8’s lesson

So what does this tell us? Let me put it another way…

Out of the 3836 people that registered for this program…

77% of people threw in the towel before even watching the first video

93% of people gave up by 4 weeks

96% of people quit by 8 weeks

This free program could have changed the trajectory of their career or even their life, yet…

Only 4% of people watched all the videos.

From my experience, that figure usually hits over 99% at the one-year mark. This means that out of every 1,000 people who start their YouTube journey, less than 10 of them remain cockroaches and last for more than a year. 

You may hear these numbers and it might make you feel sad, pessimistic, or discouraged. But that’s not why I’m sharing them.

I’m sharing them to empower you.

I’m sharing them to show you that whether or not you succeed is completely up to you. 

These stats underscore a vital truth…

Success on YouTube is not a game of luck or chance... It’s a game of perseverance.

Those who can persevere for months—or even years—will be the ones who come out on top. 

Let’s say you make YouTube videos for 10 years… hopefully it doesn’t take that long but let’s just imagine this hypothetically.

If you make videos for 10 years and every single week you’re learning new things and implementing new strategies to improve your content… There’s no way that you’re not going to succeed.

If you make videos for 10 years and improve every single time you upload… success is inevitable. 

But that’s the hard part, isn’t it?

It’s hard to think about doing something for a hypothetical 10 years with nothing to show for it until year 10.

But this is where the magic happens. This mindset is what separates the quitters from cockroaches. 

Your journey on YouTube is like building a skyscraper. Most people see each video they make as one entire floor for that skyscraper. Build 50-60 floors and you’re good, right?

That’s not how it works buddy. Each video you upload is one screw in the wall, one tile on the floor, and one lightbulb ceiling. 

So let’s go back to those stats I showed you earlier…

Out of the 3836 people that registered for Launchpad…

77% of people threw in the towel before even watching the first video

93% of people gave up by 4 weeks

96% of people quit by 8 weeks

I’m not showing you these numbers so you can be sad. I’m not showing you these numbers so that you can say “omg… so many people don’t make it… it must be impossible for me.”


These numbers are here to give you a source of inspiration.

These numbers are here to illuminate the reality of the journey that you’re embarking on.

These numbers are here to prepare you and to arm you with the understanding that…

Success is not handed out by fate or luck or the YouTube algorithm…

It’s EARNED through relentless effort and an unwavering commitment to your goal. 

So don’t let these numbers intimidate you… let them motivate you.

Let them be a reminder that while not everyone makes it, those who do have one thing in common…

They don’t give up. They survive. They persevere. And they are fucking cockroaches. 
