Something to brighten your day

Because we all need a little motivational boost sometimes.

Hey - it’s Kong.

Just wanted to take a quick minute and wish you and your loved ones a happy new year 🙂 

I’d like to drop a little motivational boost before I go back to Boot Camp Sargeant mode in the next email.

Every single one of us is in the midst of a personal war. These wars are unique, deeply personal, and often invisible to the outside world.

Whether you are battling health issues, overcoming self-doubt, or striving for a dream that no one else believes in… I’m rooting for you.

The cockroaches in our community are rooting for you.

I hope you learned a lot last year because we have a lot of work to do in 2024. 💪


P.S. If you’d like another (humorous) boost, click here now.