Using AI to Write Your Scripts for (almost) Free

+ Easy Channel Ideas!

This. Is. Absolutely. Crazy.

If you haven’t heard already, ChatGPT has just launched and it is absolutely MIND BLOWING.

Why? Because it can literally WRITE YOUR YT VIDEO SCRIPTS FOR YOU.

And that’s just scratching the surface!

What is ChatGPT?

So ChatGPT is a prototype AI chatbot that has gone insanely viral in the past week or so. In fact, it hit 1 million users in just a few days. Why? Because it’s so incredibly powerful. Here are some examples of what it can do:

  • Write code and create an app

  • Explain anything to you (e.g. physics, biology, philosophy, etc)

  • Give you advice to real life problems (e.g. how to break up with my bf/gf)

  • Complete your homework assignments

Honestly, the possibilities are endless. But let’s get to the big question… how can it help with your social media?

Well my friend, I am about to make your life 100x easier.

Writing scripts for you

Let’s say you want to make a video about “Why Sex Robots Are Bad For The World.”

Just tell the bot to “write me an essay about why sex robots are bad for the world” and here’s what it comes up with (I put this in Google docs for easier readability, but I made ZERO edits to this).

Want to make the video longer? Ask it to write an essay on why sex robots are GOOD for the world. Again, that entire script was done by the bot. Zero edits from me.

You can literally ask it to write explainers about literally ANYTHING. Tell it to write you a sketch, a song, a poem… whatever your heart desires.

Series ideas that use ChatGPT

These are specific ideas that can become an entire series based on ChatGPT prompts

  • Acting out ChatGPT comedy scripts: tell it to write a comedy script about any topic, and then you and your friends can act it out (sometimes it will be so weird that its funny)

  • Scripts/sketches in opposite mode

  • An entire channel showing off all the cool things ChatGPT can do

  • Vlog channel about how you used ChatGPT to build a writing agency and make money

  • Creating simple, fun apps with ChatGPT (e.g. Google chrome extension that blocks all news about Kanye West)

You guys… I seriously cannot express how existentially excited I am about this.

The possibilities are seriously endless. And best of all? THIS IS JUST THE FIRST VERSION… IT’S GOING TO KEEP GETTING BETTER.

Alright enough from me, go try it yourself: you end up making a video using the bot, let me know and send it to me by replying to this email! I’d love to see it!
