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  • YouTuber worth $20 million: unfiltered interview with Graham Stephan

YouTuber worth $20 million: unfiltered interview with Graham Stephan

From real estate agent to viral YouTuber making millions.

When I first started making money on YouTube, I spent it like a rock star. Bottle service at the clubs, extravagant parties at my penthouse with catered food, and paying cash for first-class tickets to Europe on a whim.

This was the toxic “YouTube money” mentality.

It wasn’t until I discovered a finance YouTuber named Graham Stephan that I started to re-think how I should spend my money.

After watching his videos, I changed my habits to the following:

  • Sneak in alcohol to clubs or just don’t drink at all

  • Throw parties at my house with Pizza or KFC as food

  • Travel business class with credit card points (never use cash)

Why? Because Graham’s videos taught me that for every $100 you spend, you’re not just losing $100… you’re actually losing $2,845.70 

(Assuming you invested it into a historically safe investment like a broad-market index fund for 50 years)

That means if you spend $5,000 on bottle service like I did that one time I went to Vegas, then you would actually be losing out on $142.285.

I know, it’s f***ing mind-blowing.

Needless to say, Graham has changed my views on personal finance and to be completely honest… he’s changed my life.

I had the honor to sit down with him for 1 hour and 43 minutes to pick his brain on:

  • How avoiding Starbucks can make anyone a millionaire (yep, this is real)

  • What his insecurities are

  • When he decided to quit his lucrative real estate career for YouTube

  • … and so much more

If you want to see the full unfiltered chat, check it out here:

Graham Stephan: unfiltered chat

Also, if you watch at least 10 minutes and leave a question in the comments section, I will most likely answer 🙂 
